Who won Mr. Olympia Classic Physique 2023? Standings explored

May 2024 · 4 minute read

Joe Weider's Olympia Fitness & Performance Weekend 2023 has come to an end. Chris Bumstead won the Mr Olympia Classic Physique 2023 award, his fifth consecutive win in the division.

The top four pots were held by exactly the same bodybuilders who stood on the podium in the 2022 edition of the competition. Ramon Rocha Queiroz finished as runner up for the second time, while young German bodybuilder Urs Kalecinski also retained his third spot in the 2023 edition of the competition.

Below are the standings of the Mr Olympia Classic Physique 2023:

How much did Chris Bumstead earn for winning the Mr Olympia Classic Physique 2023?

The Canadian bodybuilder has etched his name as a legend in the Classic Physique division. His body shape and detailing seem to be even better than they were in the 2022 edition of the competition.

For winning the Mr Olympia Classic Physique 2023, Chris Bumstead received a paycheck of $50,000. He is also expected to get a lot of huge deals from sponsors and brands across the globe.

Below is the prize money payout for the top 5 bodybuilders in the Mr Olympia Classic Physique 2023:

Exploring other winners and their earnings of the 2023 Olympia Weekend

Joe Weider's Olympia Fitness & Performance Weekend hosted a total of 11 competitions from November 2 to 5 at the Orange County Convention Center, Orlando, Florida. The biggest prize was reserved for the men's division winner, and the winner of the 2023 Mr. Olympia award was Derek Lunsford.

The Men's 212 Olympia award was bagged by Keone Pearson and the Men's Physique division saw Ryan Terry coming out victorious. The Mr Olympia Classic Physique 2023 saw Chris Bumstead register his fifth victory in the division.

The 2023 Olympia Weekend winners:

The Ms. Olympia 2023 division witnessed Andrea Shaw winning the title for the fourth time in her career. She is now tied for the fourth spot for most title wins in the category.

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