The Basis of the Tom Cruise Gay Rumors?

May 2024 ยท 4 minute read

R79.. i hear you about photos... supposedly i forget his name at the moment there is some guy who claimed to have seen polaroids of a young cruise getting A$$ screwed when he was new to hollywood and was low on money for was some older russian guy who owned the building, so i'm not sure if the older russian guy was the one doing the screwing or not.. HOWEVER?

1) so this person allegedly having seen the polaroids and the person who seemingly HAS the polaroids have never told the world or shown them when they could make millions?

2) polaroids are those cameras where the picture would come out of the camera and it took a few minutes for the image to dry and appear. YOU COULD NOT set the camera to take a picture by itself. HENCE, i doubt very very much cruise would WILLINGLY allow someone to stand nearby and take polaroids of him in a sexual act!...

3) one would think somewhere, somehow, someway, someone would have some kind of proof, anything! i mean the rumors have gone on for over 30 years.. NO ONE is that powerful to keep anyone and everyone quiet for this long?! IF, IF, he is having gay sex it has to be with those in the cult, who will indeed be so so inner circle and secretive for risk being kicked out of the cult and even worse happening to them...

4) according to andrew morton's biography, cruise had plenty of girlfriends growing up and even interviewed them and yes, they admitted plenty of sex occurred...

PERSONALLY, i think he's just got FUCKED UP my the cult, in every aspect, including his sexuality!... they knew he was dumber them dumb, uneducated (barely finished high school) a massive chip on his shoulder, desperate to be someone, massive narcissist and made him WORSE ON PURPOSE!.. i mean a person has to be fucked up in the head to think that no matter who they are, or think they are, that a "religion" kissing their ass literally 24/7 is not only normal and okay and proper but even DESERVED!....

the cult frowns on sex and thinks everything out of wedlock and not missionary style is dirty, kinky, pervy wrong that is not the ordinary...HECK, even masturbation is a huge no no for them!... perhaps they brainwashed him so much to make him asexual in this regard i don't know?

i will say that according to tom devocht another high level cultie who has long ago left and speaks out against it, that he allegedly was one of the inner circle of the leader and his wife ( you know the missing wife shelly who hasn't been seen in public now for over 12 years!) who late at night would watch the secret videos and/or read the transcripts of cruise audits and laugh at him especially when it came to anything sexual..

ALLEGEDLY according to devocht.. miscavige would "roll his eyes" and say outloud "geez, can you believe it?!" and that shelly would "blush, and say "that's gross"!....

Devocht won't divulge exactly what he saw or heard but went on to say "cruise probably have some embarrassing sexual stuff".. ALthough i'm not sure on this, meaning, if devocht was there and is telling the truth, then he WOULD KNOW what he saw or heard miscavige read out loud so why would it be "probably"? I mean either the stuff IS or ISN'T embarrassing?!...

devocht also said on a youtube interview that "no, he doesn't think tom cruise is gay, but yeah, i've heard some things".. but didn't elaborate and has said that he will NEVER and he has been asked say what he has heard?

SO there you go!... perhaps cruise just has some kinky fetishes nothing more?

GUESS will all find out once he passes and the books come out and so does everyone out of the woodwork! although, i hate this, because the deceased person cannot defend themselves! IF YOU HAVE KNOWLEDGE AND PROOF HAVE THE BALLS OR THE PUSSY TO STATE IT OUT LOUD TO THE WORLD when that person is still alive! if you have actual proof and indisputable facts, how can cruise (or any celebrity) sue you? truth is truth!...
