Fortune explored as Sean Diddy Combs steps down from the network amid s*xual assault claims

May 2024 · 4 minute read

Revolt TV is a leading American hip-hop broadcasting channel with an annual revenue estimated to be around $83, with an average individual subscriber revenue per year of $4 for 20 million viewers. The channel was established by Sean 'Diddy' Combs in 2013, with distribution from Comcast.

However, Sean 'Diddy' Combs has now decided to step down from the network following a string of s*xual assault cases filed against the rapper and entrepreneur, The first one was filed by R&B singer Cassie, which was quickly resolved. However, the other two cases are still active as of the writing of this article.

More on Sean 'Diddy' Combs lawsuit and its impact on Revolt TV

The second lawsuit against the rapper and founder of Revolt TV comes from Joi Dickerson-Neal, who accused the rapper of assault, forced drugging as well as distribution of a tape of her assault among his friends, as reported by The Guardian on November 24, 2023:

"The plaintiff substantial and lifetime injuries … as a result of being drugged, se**ally assaulted and abused, and being the victim of ‘revenge porn’ that Sean Combs or ‘P. Diddy’ created and distributed...Because she had been drugged, Plaintiff lacked the physical ability or mental capacity to fend Combs off."

The third lawsuit was filed by an unnamed woman, who also accused the rapper and his friend Aaron Hall of assaulting her, stating:

"Combs coerced the plaintiff into having s*x with her. After, Hall barged into the room, pinned her down and forced Jane Doe to have sex with him. Her friend “had been forced to have s*x with Combs and Hall in another room."

The barrage of cases against the founder has not so far affected Revolt TV's revenue streams. While there has been no statement as to why the rapper is stepping down from his position in the company, an effort to insulate the company against the negative effects of the cases could be one of the reasons.

Revolt TV's net revenue streams stem from a number of sources, including but not limited to advertising, sponsorships, and content licensing. Revolt TV's sponsors in the previous years have included multi-national giants such as State Farm, AT&T, and Microsoft, among others.

Revenue advertisements are also a major draw, although exact advertisers and revenue figures are inaccessible to the layperson. The company also licenses its content to third-party distributors, such as Sling TV, Fubo TV, as well as Ziggo, among others. These third-party licensing deals broaden the company's audience base and consequently its revenue.

Revolt TV also has its own original programming, primarily based on contemporary urban music culture and social justice issues. The company also hosts artists and has an artist sponsorship program of its own.

The company's unique content as well as wide impact is considered by experts to have revolutionized the discussion surrounding urban music as well as issues surrounding the contemporary music industry.

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