Current Apex Legends map rotation for Season 16: Revelry

May 2024 · 2 minute read
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Apex Legends has been offering a rotation of three battle royale maps in recent seasons, and this pattern continues once again in Season 16: Revelry — but with a slight twist. Instead of keeping its map rotation exclusive to standard battle royale modes, those in Ranked will also see the same set of maps switch between each other. So, whether you are a casual Duos player or someone desiring the coveted Apex Predator rank, here are the maps you will see in Season 16 of Apex Legends.

All maps in the Apex Legends battle royale map rotation

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While the rotation did last change in the middle of Season 15, it has not been said whether Revelry will have a revamped map rotation later on. For now, the listed maps will shuffle between each other every 15 minutes in casual matches, while a different map will come to Ranked play every 24 hours. Additionally, if your favorite map did not make the cut this season, there are still plenty of other locations to see. For instance, Team Deathmatch bears three smaller maps of its own, each based on POIs in battle royale maps.

About the author

Ryan Willcox

Ryan Willcox is a Staff Writer at Gamepur. He is mostly known to cover free-to-play titles, spanning from Fortnite, Call of Duty: Warzone, to Apex Legends. Outside of games, Ryan's other personal interests are reading scientific nonfiction and running.

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