150 Calico Cat Names: Cute and Fun Options for Your Cat

May 2024 · 4 minute read

Naming a pet can place a lot of unnecessary stress on a pet parent. You want a great name that shows your pet’s individuality, but you’re constantly worried that you’ll choose one that simply doesn’t fit. This is especially difficult when it comes to naming cats.

Calicos are famous for their charm and their beautiful tri-color coats. Their name should show their true nature. This means it may take a bit of thought, research, and time to find the perfect name for your kitty.

How to Name Your Calico Cat

As we said above, naming your cat takes a bit of time. Why? You need to learn a bit about your newest friend before you attach a name to them, especially charismatic Calicos. You want their name to show off their individuality while also promoting how you see your kitty. Don’t forget to keep things you like in mind also.

If your kitty is an adventurer, and you love action movies, maybe you want to include a favorite character name. If your cat likes chilling with you while you sip coffee in the morning, then perhaps a morning brew-inspired name is right up your cat’s alley. Whatever name you choose, make sure it seems fitting.

The 50 Cute Female Calico Names

When it comes to little girl cats, most owners want a name that is sweet, wholesome, and encompasses their kitty’s personality. If your girl is sassy, she deserves a bold name. If she’s a sweetheart, her name should indicate her softer side. But if the lady is a diva, choose a name with the right touch of pizazz.

The 50 Cute Male Calico Names

When trying to choose the right name for a male calico cat, knowing their personality is important. Is he a daredevil? Does he have loads of energy or does he prefer being the household lap cat? When it comes to boy names, inspiration can come from anywhere? Keep your options open while you get to know your fella and the perfect name will come to you in time.

The 50 Other Fun Names

If you want to have a little fun with your kitty’s name, then let your imagination go wild. When it comes to calicos, their markings can easily play a part in the naming process. Fun names are a great way to play with your own imagination and show off your cat’s unique personality.

Final Thoughts

Hopefully, this list of 150 cute and fun names for calicos makes picking your next cat’s name easier. While the perfect name may not seem like a big deal to everyone, for cat owners who want their calicos to wear a name that singles out what makes them unique is perfectly understandable. Animals can be blessed with some of the most original, quirky, cute, and all-out wild names. The best part about it, though, is no matter what name we feel fits them best, they don’t have to worry about others giving them a hard time. We loving pet parents simply won’t allow it.

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Featured Image Credit: Andy Gin, Shutterstock
