Young Dolphs funeral pictures and videos drop

May 2024 · 1 minute read

A private funeral and burial ceremony has been held for rapper Young Dolph.

As we predicted earlier, Young Dolph was buried in Memphis on Tuesday, November 30, 2021. The private ceremony saw only his family and a few friends in attendance.

The Chicago-born rapper who was shot and killed on Wednesday, November 17, in Memphis.

FOX13 reports that three independent law enforcement confirmed that rapper Young Dolph was shot and killed.

READ MORE: Young Dolph height: How tall is Young Dolph?

The incident occurred at Makeda’s Butter Cookies. According to the shop owner, Maurice Hill, his employees disclosed that Young Dolph walked into the store to buy cookies.

Then, someone drove up and shot and killed him at the South Memphis bakery.

The Memphis police have launched a preliminary investigation into the killing of the rapper. However, they say the investigation points to Young Dolph being the victim, but the identification process has not been completed.

Young Dolph funeral pictures and videos

See photos and videos from Young Dolph’s funeral and burial below.
