How WWE Superstars Felt About Alicia Fox Showing Up Inxoticated To Live Event

May 2024 · 2 minute read

Arn Anderson was fired from WWE after letting Alicia Fox wrestle while intoxicated. This is a big no-no for many reasons from the fact that she could have hurt herself or others or something could have happened with the live crowd.

Vince McMahon went off on Anderson and he was fired. The Wrestling Observer Newsletter reports that Triple H had to mediate the two on a few occasions before, but McMahon let Anderson go over this infraction.

Some WWE Superstars didn’t even realize that Alicia Fox was inebriated during the live show. They have come to expect her antics at this point so it wasn’t anything out of the usual. One version reported said that Anderson didn’t know about Fox’s intoxication either until it was too late.

“The defense of Anderson from talent is that they believe and even insist he didn’t know anything regarding Fox was that bad before the match, nor did the talent at the time. The women are used to Fox behaving erratically, which she did then but has done, more of late.”

The fact is that Arn Anderson produce Alicia Fox’s last match in WWE on February 10th in Saginaw Michigan. So this incident happened at that show or something in that loop of events. That round of shows is also when Alicia Fox had an outrageous wardrobe malfunction too.

There have been no reports of Alicia Fox’s firing, but she could very well be on thin ice once again. This is a series of unfortunate circumstances and Alicia Fox rejected WWE’s offer for rebab and has since gone AWOL.

In case you were wondering, here is footage from that Saginaw, Michigan house show.
