How do you keep a Kalanchoe blooming?

May 2024 ยท 2 minute read

Tricking a Kalanchoe into Blooming Keep the plant warm and away from drafts. Do not water or feed the plant for 6 weeks, as it is dormant. As soon as you see flower buds, move the plant to brighter lighting and resume watering. Feed the plant in spring and remove spent flowers to encourage new buds.Click to see full answer. Similarly one may ask, what to do with kalanchoe after flowering?Pinch back or deadhead flowers to encourage more blooms. After deadheading, give the plant a break and reduce watering. Most kalanchoes will re-bloom, usually during shorter days and longer nights, between fall and spring.One may also ask, how often does kalanchoe flower? Winter hardy only in United States Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 9b through 12, this sun worshiper dies if beset by freezing temperatures. Kalanchoes bloom naturally from late fall to early spring, making them perfect houseplants for brightening gloomy winter days. Keeping this in consideration, how do you deadhead Kalanchoe? How to Deadhead Kalanchoe Inspect the kalanchoe regularly during the flowering season. Grasp a flower cluster at its base after most of the blooms have withered and begun to turn brown. Snip off the flowering stem near its base above the first set of large leaves with a small pair of shears. How long do kalanchoe blooms last? About Kalanchoe Flower heads on kalanchoe blossom in bright oranges, pinks, yellow, red, and white on a compact, upright plant about 6-12 inches tall. The flowers last several months, and the green plants are pretty year-round.
