What plants can Russian tortoises eat?

May 2024 · 2 minute read

The primary food of your Russian Tortoise should be a variety of high fiber, low protein broad leaf plants; they prefer vegetables, weeds, succulents, and flowers, with an occasional herb or shrub. Try for five or more food sources each day. primrose, hollyhock, viola and pansy.Click to see full answer. Moreover, what plants are safe for tortoises? All of the plants below are suitable for consumption by tortoises: Lemon Balm. Red Sorrel. Plaintain Assorted. Self Heal. Callisia repens. Dandelion – flowers & leaves. Aloe vera. Antirrhinum – flowers & leaves. Secondly, what can Russian tortoises eat list? Russian tortoises are primarily herbivores in the wild, and a similar diet should be provided in captivity. The bulk of their diet should consist of a variety of dark, leafy, greens. Romaine lettuce, collard greens, carrot tops, kale, mustard greens, and beet greens are all excellent choices. Secondly, what flowers can a Russian tortoise eat? Here are just a few great food items that you can grow yourself in your garden for your pet Russian Tortoise if you have extra time on your hands: Broad leafy greens, some fruit, dandelion flowers, roses, cornflowers, mallow flowers, and spinach.Can Russian tortoises eat marigolds? Marigold (Pot Marigold, Field Marigold, Calendula) The Pot or Field Marigold flowers and leaves are fine for the tortoise enclosure as part of a varied diet, although they may not enjoy them. Do not confuse with Tagetes, which is commonly called French Marigold or African Marigold and is not a suitable food.
