Sage Stallones mother had pleaded with him against the dental surgery weeks before the death

May 2024 · 2 minute read

A new report emerges based on the statement given by the mother of Sage Stallone. The mother of the deceased elder son of Sylvester Stallone, Sasha Czack, said to the New York Post that her elder son was on pain pills medication at the time of the death.

Czack added that Sage had five of his teeth removed; as a result, he was taking medication. The dental surgery was conducted two weeks before he was discovered dead in his apartment.

She strongly advised Sage Stallone not to get the surgery, “I told him not to do that. I’ve heard about people dying having multiple procedures done to your mouth. Do not have more than one tooth [pulled].”

While the exact reason for the death is unknown, the Los Angeles County Coroner spokesman stated that the results might take approximately six weeks; however, the autopsy on Sage’s body was completed on Sunday. Additionally, Sylvester Stallone pleaded to end the speculation and questionable reporting on his elder son’s death on Monday.

Related: Sage Stallone biography

“When a parent loses a child there is no greater pain,” he said in a statement to TMZ. “Therefore, I am imploring people to respect my talented son’s memory and feel compassion for his loving mother, Sasha. This agonizing loss will be felt for the rest of our lives. Sage was our first child and the center of our universe, and I am humbly begging for all to have my son’s memory and soul left in peace.”

Moreover, Sage’s attorney, George Braunstein, told People Magazine that Sage never had any serious health problems or a history of drug or alcohol abuse. There was no indication of anything of concern in his life.

The LAPD has confirmed that so far from their investigation, there are no indications of foul play, nor have they found any suicide notes, but there were bottles of prescription drugs.
