mysqldump: Got errno 28 on write

May 2024 ยท 2 minute read

I am getting this error even if I have plenty of space on my drives. says its disk space problem.

I am using PUTTY and this command to export database

mysqldump -h [HOST] --port=[PORT] -u [USERNAME] -p [DBNAME] > E:\[FILENAME].sql 

5 Answers

Error Message

Backup failed: mysqldump: Got errno 28 on write


Insufficient disk space to store output.


Free up some disk space. You might want to track down the reason you're low on disk space too.



I got the same error but it turned out that there was no memory left to accommodate a new file. Removing unwanted files to free up the space for new (*.sql) file helped.

P.S: You can see your memory consumption by the command: df -h.


I came here with the same problem, plenty of space. Also putty.

I noticed than using the same command but in another folder with mod 777 (write everybody) the problem of space is gone and the command runs succesfully.

There is something wrong with putty.

Dont use putty, Just go to windows command prompt, Go to folder where mysql.exe, mysqldump.exe etc.. are there & just enter this command.

Remember never try to take dump from MYSQL> command prompt

C:\xampp\mysql\bin>mysqldump -h [HOST] --port=[PORT] -u [USERNAME] -p [DBNAME] > E:[FILENAME].sql

Enter password: ------

Worked perfectly!!

When I get this error, I check that mysql server use a very high virtual memory. So I add more swap space to the server and the problem is gone.
