Does Douglas Henshall have a family?

May 2024 · 1 minute read

Yes, Douglas Henshall has a family. He is married to Croatian playwright Tena Štivičić and they have a daughter named Anja Grace.

In 2012, Douglas Henshall starred as Augustus Cribben in The Secret of Crickley Hall, and the ITV television film of Ian Rankin’s novel Doors Open.

In 2013, Douglas Henshall starred as Detective Inspector Jimmy Pérez in the BBC drama Shetland. Henshall won the Bafta Scotland Best Television Actor award in 2016 for his work in the series and the show won the best television drama.

In 2019, Douglas Henshall appeared as antiquarian book dealer Adam Snow in Susan Hill’s Ghost Story – The Small Hand (Channel 5 TV).

Douglas Henshall starred in many television series including Psychos (1999), This Year’s Love (1999), and Kid in the Corner (1999) for which he won a gold nymph as best actor in a mini-series at the Monte-Carlo TV Festival in 2000.

Douglas Henshall starred in Dorian Gray (2009) as the doctor Alan Campbell. His other roles on television include Konstantin Levin in Anna Karenina (2000), and Dan in Loving You (2003).

